Assess the Benefits of Refinancing Your Home Loan

Our Refinance Comparison Calculator is a powerful tool designed to help you evaluate the potential benefits of refinancing your current home loan. By comparing your existing loan with new loan options, you can make an informed decision about whether refinancing is the right move for you.

How to Use the Calculator

  1. Input Details of Your Current Loan: Enter information about your existing mortgage, such as the remaining balance, interest rate, and remaining term.

  2. Enter Potential New Loan Details: Add details about the new loan you're considering, including the interest rate, term, and any associated fees.

  3. Compare and Analyze: The calculator will display a comparison of your current loan and the new loan, highlighting potential savings or costs.

Why Use a Refinance Comparison Calculator?

  • Financial Clarity: Gain insight into potential savings or costs associated with refinancing.

  • Informed Decision-Making: Understand the financial impact before making a commitment to refinance.

  • Strategize Repayments: Assess how refinancing could affect your repayment schedule and overall interest paid.

Maximizing the Benefits of Refinancing

  • Consider All Factors: Look beyond just the interest rate. Consider fees, loan terms, and other features.

  • Update Your Financial Information: Ensure all inputs are current and accurate for the most reliable comparison.

  • Seek Professional Advice: Our experts can provide deeper insights and help you navigate the refinancing process.

Ready to Explore Refinancing?

Our calculator is the first step in exploring your refinancing options. For personalised advice and a detailed analysis of your refinancing choices, reach out to our team at MPF. We're here to guide you through every step of your refinancing journey.